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- Technical Specifications
- Delivery of Television Programmes to SVT as FILES
- File Requirements
File Requirements
UHD Video Codec, High Dynamic Range, Audio, Additional Requirements
Ultra-High Definition (UHD) programmes are not accepted by SVT.
HD Files
The file format, i.e. the container/wrapper, shall preferably be MXF OP-1a (the layout options for a minimal simple MXF file according to SMPTE 378M, extension ‘.mxf’). Optionally a Quicktime Movie (extension ‘.mov’) may be used.
HD Video Codec
The video essence in the file must, for 50 Hz motion portrayal, be encoded as:
- 720p50, preferably as (Avid) DNxHD 175x (a.k.a. 185x), optionally as (Panasonic) AVC-Intra 100, optionally as (Apple) ProRes 422 (HQ), all 10-bit video codecs, and optionally as (Sony) XDCAM MPEG HD422, 8-bit.
- (optionally) 1080i25, preferably as (Avid) DNxHD 185x, optionally as (Panasonic) AVC-Intra 100, optionally as (Apple) ProRes 422 (HQ), all 10-bit video codecs, and optionally as (Sony) XDCAM MPEG HD422, 8-bit.
The video essence in the file must, for 25 Hz motion portrayal, be encoded as:
- 1080p25, preferably as (Avid) DNxHD 185x, optionally as (Panasonic) AVC-Intra 100, optionally as (Apple) ProRes 422 (HQ), all 10-bit video codecs, and optionally as (Sony) XDCAM MPEG HD422, 8-bit.
HD Audio
All audio channels must be encoded as PCM with a sample rate of 48 kHz at a bit depth of 24 bits/sample. The audio should preferably be bundled with the video inside the container/wrapper, optionally delivered separately, see section 4.8 and ‘Appendix B – Naming of Audio Channels when delivering multiple mono WAV files’.
SD Files (Legacy programmes only)
Delivery of standard definition legacy programme files must be by agreement with SVT.
The file format, i.e. the container/wrapper, shall preferably be MXF OP-1a (the layout options for a minimal simple MXF file according to SMPTE 378M, extension ‘.mxf’). Optionally a Quicktime Movie (extension ‘.mov’) may be used.
SD Video Codec
The video essence in the file must, for 50 Hz motion portrayal, be encoded as:
- 576i25, preferably as DVCPRO50, optionally as DVCPRO25, both according to SMPTE 314M.
SD Audio
All audio tracks should be encoded as PCM with a sample rate of 48 kHz at a depth of 24 bits/sample, hence delivered separately, see section 4.8 and ‘Appendix B – Naming of Audio Channels when delivering multiple mono WAV files’. (If interleaved audio is used, according to SMPTE 314M, then only 16 bits/sample is obtained).
For content with 50 Hz motion portrayal (progressive and interlace), as well as for content with 25 Hz motion portrayal, a 25- counting timecode (25 T/C) must be used.
To ensure compatibility with downstream systems, timecode must be continuous.
Metadata is the name for all the information which is not audio or video essence, but which is required to ensure that contents of the file can be identified correctly.
The metadata required is specified below and must be delivered as a separate Excel-file (the ‘Programme Metadata File Excel, 346 kB.’), based on a template provided by SVT. This file can be edited with any Microsoft Excelcompatible spreadsheet application.
For each delivery of one or more files containing video essence for a specific programme, at least one Programme Metadata File containing metadata must also be included. If the metadata differs between episodes, several Programme Metadata Files can be provided.
The naming of the Programme Metadata File must adhere to the following convention:
- If all episodes are included in the delivery, the programme-id (seven numbers, 0-9) identifies the programme (series), followed by the episode part indicating that this Programme Metadata File provides information about all episodes (NNN).
- PG-3993939-NNNA-SA_SKA_DET_LATA.xls
If all episodes are not included in the delivery, the specific episodes must be included in the name, comma-separated:
- PG-3993939-001A,002A,003A-SA_SKA_DET_LATA.xls
- PG-3993939-004A-SA_SKA_DET_LATA.xls
Delivery Requirements in MXF
This section is not applicable in SVT context for the time being.
Editorial Metadata
Video Metadata
Audio Metadata
Timecode Metadata
Access Services Metadata
Additional Metadata
Contact Information Metadata